其他項目 Other Projects

下列是本人支持的其他翻譯或多種語言文庫項目。 Below are other translation or multilingual archival projects I support.

無治主義圖書館 The Anarchist Library: 無治主義圖書館大概是我第一在網路上找到的無治學習資源,也是 NS 3202 的靈感來源。它的亞洲分館目前有…

The Anarchist Library was probably the first learning resource for anarchism I found on the internet, and it's also the inspiration for NS 3202. Its Asian branches currently include...

酷兒翻越 Queer Margins: 以台灣為基地的部落格,專門翻譯和分享關於酷兒、跨性別、非二元、無性戀/無浪漫以及多重關係的政治文章。 A blog based in Taiwan, it specializes in translating and sharing posts about queer, trans, non-binary, ace/aro, and polyamorous politics.

公共秘密局 Bureau of Public Secrets: 情境式譯者 Ken Knabb 創造的文庫。 Situationist translator Ken Knabb's archive.

Pustaka Catut: 從印尼監獄中管理的無政府主義出版商。 Anarchist publisher managed from a prison in Indonesia.

taller ahuehuete: 關於全球南方反資本主義鬥爭的非正統馬克思主義跟無政府共產主義觀點,特別關注墨西哥。 Heterodox Marxist and anarcho-communist perspectives on anti-capitalist struggles in the Global South, with a focus on Mexico.

No Trace Project: 幫助無治主義者和其他反抗者了解敵人的能力、削弱監視的企圖、最終在行動中避免被逮捕的一套工具。 A collection of tools to help anarchists and other rebels understand the capabilities of their enemies, undermine surveillance efforts, and ultimately act without getting caught.